Wake up and rub the illusions from your eyes. Open to new possibilities, know you create everything in your life by the energy you emit. Your job is to choose thoughts and feelings that centre yourself in your heart in every moment of your life. Hear your inner wisdom, be esteemed by your words and focus your vision on what you want instead of what you don’t want. There is now no reason to be pushed and shoved around by your or other’s manifestations. Go within, go to your sacred space and surrender to your great awakening. The mist of illusion will part from your eyes and you will marvel at the wondrous creative journey of Love that you came here to experience. Be who you are for you are a light worker, weaver and creator. You are wonderment.

Today and every day celebrate your uniqueness and beauty and encourage others to do the same. Create a vision, a life that you want to live based on the clarity that has come from all your experiences. There are no obstacles, there is nothing to fix or change, just more to create. Do something today that is aligned with your dreams. If you can’t think of anything – gently close your eyes and picture yourself living your dream, now imagine how you will feel. Make this feeling the foundation from which you will live this day. Everything begins within.

You can’t stop anything that is occurring, however you can start new paths. It is the living in contrast that inspires new paths of creation that make your heart sing. Let us all sing with open hearts for the absolute joy of being here. In this place of yin, yang and the freedom of choice you have, you can create whatever you want for this is your Universe.
As you embrace and love all parts of the multidimensional self, you understand, reawaken or heal, going beyond any limitations to create a new path. Look to yourself for inspiration – allow the manifestation of others to inspire and move you to your rich source of creativity.

Each of you is a spark, a stream of consciousness – expanding, growing, becoming more, allowing life to move through you. Start from where you are, transform and free yourself from all the various layers of false identity and security that hold you back and keep you bound to the past. Say to yourself -I participate actively in my transformation. I listen to myself as my feelings tell me when I am holding on, when I am being rigid and resistant. I feel the difference when I let go and allow the energy of transformation to carry me forward into freedom, onto a new path.

Take a deep breath, feel yourself ready to step forward onto your path of creative joy. Every great adventure starts with a step….Allow yourself to wander into your higher self into the “wouldn’t it be nice” scenario and plant seeds from this heightened intelligence, creativity, courage and compassion into the garden of your mind. Be you, Denise

Image: Tree of Life by Gary Soszynski

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