NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS – December 11th – AEDT 9.30pm, GMT 10.30am, PST 2.30am♥.  The New Moon gives you an opportunity to spiral within. This illuminates the parts that are hidden in order to bring healing, balance and a realisation of your inner voice and truth. Sagittarius new moon brings us hope of a different perspective, allowing us to expand into our dreams. Realisations will occur as we keep up with our expansion – in other words to look forward and not back. Allow the arrow to become your focussed intention of dreams and remember – you did not come here to face reality, you came here to create reality. The wheel of life is constantly moving – Embrace your spiritual warrior, embrace change and allow your fun, playful self to discover the adventure of life. Open to excitement, curiosity and adventure, live your life, stop thinking about it and just do it. Embrace all aspects of you, no more pushing away what you think you don’t like. Ask your higher self to alert you to anything that is hurting, raw or wounded within you – then love, cuddle and embrace all these parts of you. Would you turn away from a wounded person or animal? For that is what you do when you reject these parts of you – now is the time to be kind, gentle and patient with you. Combine your personal wisdom together with your personal intuition to create a magical result and feel it flow through your body, mind and soul. Namaste, Denise

Meditation class this Wednesday in Glebe – 7pm – working with the energy of focussed intention. $25 on the night or $20 if book and pay online.


Image: Sagittarius by Steel-Eyes

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