FULL MOON IN LEO – JANUARY 24th AUST EDT 12.45pm, GMT 1.45am, JANUARY 23rd PST 5.45pm.
A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires.

Allow Leo to shine upon your inner seeds, feel them sprouting, moving, gently growing. Your beauty, courage and love will shine as you feel old masks melting away. The energy of Leo surrounds you in warm waves of love for yourself and others. This is a great time to speak up with confidence – you are worthy of all that you desire. As you acknowledge your inner wisdom and power – feel the old excuses slipping away …… time to have fun, let go, party, enjoy your friends and family.

Trust and surrender to the love of the universe – for the life you want is on it’s way, in the meantime enjoy the process and beauty of this life.


Become Loyal to your innermost truth. Follow the way when all others abandon it. Walk the path of your own Heart. Allow your inner star/sun to shine. Namaste, Denise

Come and bask in the Leo full moon meditation on Wednesday.

Image: Peace by Toni Carmine Salerno

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