For the first time in many years I am late with posting information for the New Moon. I sincerely apologise and want to tell you the reason. My fifteen year old Tonkinese cat Amethyst, collapsed last week and was rushed to the vet. They kept her for a few days to stabilize her and found arthritis in her hips and spondylitis on her spine. After picking her up Saturday evening she was not herself. My husband and I were not sure if it was the medication, pain or stress causing this. This is the first cat for both of us, previously we were both only dog people. Now we realise we love all animals thanks to Amethyst. Anyway today she picked up around 2pm which made me realise it must be around New Moon. She is so connected to herself and The Universe. I have learnt that cats are stoic, grateful for life, grounded and very present. I learnt that even though I realise she is older and the inevitable is sooner than later, I was not ready to let go of my furry companion of fifteen years. My heart broke for her suffering and I had to pick myself up and not make this about me. Much Meditation, Reiki and a cold have open my heart and mind to a whole new perception about love and healing.
As I have nothing prepared for tomorrows night online meditation class I am offering a free download of my Mini Course Become Love To Feel Love. It includes a meditation and a seven day workbook. This voucher freebltkl will be valid until the 12th of April 2017. Please Click here add to cart and then place the voucher at check out. Enjoy.
NEW MOON IN ARIES MARCH 28th AUST EDST 1.58pm GMT 2.58am. MARCH 27th PDT 7.58pm
The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within to set intentions, plant seeds and begin anew. Allow the energy of Aries to assist you experience a deeper connection to your inner/higher self. Feel your divine, wisdom, love and power flow into your physical being – heal old wounds as you let go of any fears holding you back. Allow this inner fire to burn away the old and ignite the new.
Take a step forward, move out into the world and discover the wonderment of life. This vibration will assist you in finding joy in all – despite the uncertainty and difficulties that may surround you in the external world. For every problem that arrives brings with it the solution for all is one. Take a breath rise upward, meet your higher self and see the veil drop away to reveal the truth.
Image: from The Art of Love Tarot Page of Stars – Curiosity
Consider anything new as a way to discover more of yourself through curiosity. Intuition expands as you adjust and adapt your energy to new ways.