New Moon in Scorpio November 12th AUST EDT 4.47am. November 11th GMT/UTC 5.47pm, PST 9.47am.
The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within. This illuminates the parts of you that are hidden, in order to bring healing and balance. Scorpio encourages us to delve deeper into our innermost fears, darkness and beauty.
Dive in, be brave and new horizons will open up. As you embrace duality, contrast and conditions deep healing will occur and inspire greater creations. You will feel a peace and acceptance of yourself – out of the ashes the phoenix will rise.
Take a breath and breathe in stillness, you are safe. Begin to sense your inner beauty, often hidden in the darkness. When recognised it will be bathed in light. Breathe in the light and embrace everything about you with love.
As you embrace all with love, your consciousness expands. This opens you to greater knowing of you. Life flows and your mind and body become more flexible, adaptable and creative – filling your mind and body with new ideas and dreams. The more you dive into you, the more you will expand and your life will expand accordingly.
Don’t forget my 11.11 meditation event – tomorrow night in Glebe.