
11.11 Meditations are a tool to help you know yourself on a more intimate level; they will soothe, heal and transform time after time. Because you asked and were ready for answers, you created this rendez-vous with 11.11. Here is a message from the Universe that you are on the path to the answers you seek.

11 is the number of remembrance – in this instance it refers to the full recall of your truth. There are many truths, but 11.11 will always point you in the direction of your authenticity and what feels right. When you embrace long forgotten truths, you begin to expand, bringing about a new platform of perspective from which to create. It is time to awaken your potential by allowing 11.11 to remind you of your extraordinary capacity to shine.

If you have issues with the link to iTunes – please go to iTunes and enter – Denise Jarvie or 11.11 Meditations♥

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11.11 Meditations – A Journey of Remembrance 60 minutes

1, 11.11 Introduction  6.50 minutes

2, 11.11 Inquiry Meditation  3.15 minutes

3, 11.11 Gateway Meditation  16.10 minutes

4, 11.11 Transformation Meditation  17.15 minutes

5, 11.11 Expansion Meditation  18.50 minutes


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