Your Guides, Angels, and Light Beings are always present, offering love, encouragement, and support as you journey through life. Think of them as your spiritual friends, helping you grow, stretch, and reach toward your higher purpose in ways that feel aligned and comfortable. They walk beside you, offering assistance when you need it most, teaching you new perspectives, and helping you fine-tune your abilities to navigate the higher realms.

While you may not always feel an easy or direct connection to these higher energies, your guides are there to bridge the gap. They give you subtle nudges, helping you expand and see beyond the everyday world. Sometimes, their messages may feel cryptic or symbolic, but that’s because they operate from a broader perspective, one that sees past the boundaries of time and space. By opening yourself to higher frequencies, you allow a deeper exploration of your inner self and your soul’s journey.

How Do I Contact My Angels and Guides?

Connecting with your Angels and Guides is more about clarity than technique—not just the external quietness, but the clarity of your inner self. Often, the mental chatter, emotional clutter, and unprocessed thoughts can block this communication. Everyone has the ability to contact their Guides and Angels, but not everyone is ready to do the inner work necessary to clear the way. Paradoxically, the clearer your connection to yourself, the clearer the messages from your spiritual team become. Their guidance often shines brightest when you are confidently living in alignment with your own decisions and desires.

Connecting with them is simple. No elaborate ritual is required, but you might want to create a practice that feels personal to you. Meditating, lighting candles, burning incense, or setting up an altar are wonderful ways to foster a sacred space. Journaling, engaging with dreams, or having a heartfelt conversation with them, as you would with a close friend, are also powerful methods. Experiment and find what resonates. But remember, all it truly takes is the intention and a simple thought: “I need your help.” They will always answer.

There are processes in all my cards decks to discover and connect with your Guides and Angels, in The Secret Language of Light there are three cards to specially help you to connect to your Light Beings card 35, Soul Family card 36 and Divine Animals card 22.

How Do I Know They’re There?

Once you open yourself to their energy, you will start to sense their presence. The key is to be patient and open to how they choose to communicate with you. Ask them questions, then relax and allow the answers to flow naturally without force or expectation. Keeping a journal of thoughts, feelings, or even small shifts in your perception can be helpful in tracking these subtle yet powerful communications.

Guides and Angels speak in many ways. Some people hear their guides, while others feel their presence or see symbols, colours, or shapes. You may even experience their energy through subtle scents. Each Angel or Guide has a unique energy signature, just like humans, and with time, you’ll begin to recognize how they choose to connect with you. There’s no one “right” way—just your way.

Your Guides and Angels are always ready to support you, waiting for you to call on them. As you open yourself to their love and guidance, trust that their presence is there to help you grow, expand, and embrace the fullness of who you are.

You are love and you are loved, be Kind, Curious and Dream Big!

Lots of Love,

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