Have you ever wondered if your soul has a name? A personal point of connection that goes beyond the identity you carry in this physical life? Just as we each have a unique earthly name, our soul holds its own name—a symbol that personalizes and deepens our connection to its wisdom.

I remember the first time I discovered mine: Astar. The name resonated deeply within me, like a melody I’d always known but couldn’t place. And now, I want to help you discover your own Soul Name.

What Is a Soul Name?

Your Soul Name is a vibrational key—a bridge that helps you connect more deeply with your soul. Think of it as a personal reference point, like a lighthouse guiding you through the inner waters of your consciousness. Our minds find it easier to communicate with something named, a point of reference that grounds an otherwise abstract experience. Your Soul Name allows you to tune into your essence more easily, facilitating clear communication between your mind and soul.

Why Is It Important?

Using a name to represent your soul can make the connection feel more tangible and real. When you call upon your Soul Name, you create a space where you and your soul can meet. It becomes easier to recognize the distinct feeling of your soul’s presence and engage with the guidance it offers.

For me, my soul’s name, Astar, has become a beacon. It’s where I go when I seek clarity, peace, and a deeper understanding of myself. Just as our earthly names carry energy and meaning, so too does your Soul Name—it personalizes the vastness of your soul, making it more accessible in everyday life.

Discovering Your Soul Name

In my The Secret Language of Light Oracle the first card is SOUL NAME it provides a message and a Soul Master class including a meditation to discover your, coaching and journal work. The Secret Language of Light is also available as an app or audio recordings of the meditations. Your Soul Name might come to you as a word, a vibration, or a feeling. However it appears, trust that it’s perfect for you. The process of connecting with your soul in this way is unique and deeply personal.

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Home Practices

Here are some simple practices that will help you discover your Soul Name:

  1. Daily Invocation: Start your day by calling on your Soul Name. Feel how the energy shifts when you bring that name into focus.
  2. Soul Journaling: Write down any insights or feelings that come up as you connect with your Soul Name. Over time, you may notice patterns or deeper layers of understanding emerging.
  3. Reflection Meditation: Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your Soul Name. How does it make you feel? What messages are coming through when you call upon it?

Embrace the Journey

Discovering your Soul Name is a profound step toward deepening your connection with yourself. It’s an opportunity to personalise your relationship with your soul, making it easier to receive its guidance in your daily life. Have fun learning a new way to communicate! Be Kind, Curious and Dream Big.

Lots of Love,

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